America First Agenda:

While I respect all religions, I am Christian and I believe Jesus Christ is with President Trump and he will win the election on Nov 5, 2024.

I will make a campaign promise that I will support President Donald J. Trump’s America First agenda 100% until election day in November 2028.

If I win the Presidential election in 2028 and receive the great honor of serving our great American people as President of The United States of America, I will make many decisions for our country and for our American people. I promise you that every decision I make as President will ALWAYS KEEP AMERICA FIRST and will ALWAYS KEEP OUR AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST.

1.    Economy:

Under President Trump, we built the greatest economy ever for all Americans including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Men and Women. One of the ways he achieved this is by cutting taxes and reducing regulations. 

2.    Fair Trade For The American Worker:

Under President Trump, we replaced NAFTA with the incredible USMCA, and he got to our country billions of dollars from China. We need to impose tariffs on most foreign goods coming into our country to keep American Workers First.

3.    Energy Independence and Energy Dominance:

Gary Barve supports America drilling for Oil & Gas on the day President Trump gets into the White House. Why is the democrat party begging for Oil & Gas from foreign countries when we have hundreds of years of liquid gold in our USA? These foreign countries are a lot less cleaner than our country, and purchasing Oil & Gas from these countries puts America at a tremendous economic disadvantage. 

4.    Secure Borders:

Over the last few years under Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the democrat party, millions of illegal immigrants have crossed across the southern border into our great United States of America. This is bringing in tremendous crime, horrific human trafficking and deadly drugs such as Fentanyl into our country. Gary Barve supports building a huge wall along the southern border, and believes all illegal immigration must stop immediately. 

5.    War On Drug Cartels:

Deadly drugs such as fentanyl are pouring into our country from drug cartels. Criminal gangs such as MS13 have arrived in our USA, these vicious criminals are known for their cruelty. We must designate foreign cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and deport all foreign illegal gang members back to the country they came from. 

6.    Support 2nd Amendment and Defend and Not Defund Police and Sheriffs:

Gary Barve believes that most law enforcement officers are great people who run towards danger to protect civilians and residents they do not even know, and this is bravery and courage of the highest level. So we must fund our police and sheriffs so that great law enforcement officers can be hired, trained and retained. Gary Barve is also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

7.    Renew American Strength and Leadership:

President Trump obliterated 100% of ISIS, he brought back home soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan and there were no new wars under President Trump. We need to renew this patriotic American strength.  

8.    Embrace Patriotism, Reject Globalism:

Under President Trump, NATO agreed to pay Billions of dollars more in defense spending. President Trump recognized Jerusalem the rightful capital of Israel and moved American Embassy to Jerusalem. He also achieved peace in Middle East through the Abraham Accords. 

9.    Support for Veterans:

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the democrat party support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants and they support providing billions of dollars of funds to illegal immigrants while many of our great American Veterans are suffering and some are going homeless. How is this right for America? Gary Barve believes that America must achieve zero Veteran homelessness, zero Veteran joblessness and we must support mental health services for our Veterans. Our Veterans are great American people who have fought selflessly for our country, and we must take care of our Veterans. 

10. Parents Rights in Education:

Gary Barve stands strong against the Critical Race Theory (CRT). He believes the CRT has been designed by the democrat party to divide us racially, and that the CRT is biased against caucasian or white people. We are not black American, we are not white American, we are not brown American, we are American, and All Lives Matter. 

11. Defend Law and Liberty:

President Trump appointed nearly 300 federal judges and he confirmed 3 supreme court justices.

12. End Censorship and Reclaim Free Speech (First Amendment):

We must fight for Free Speech in our country. Gary Barve supports heavily curtailing the ability of big social media platforms to censor free speech. 

13. Election Integrity:

We must have same day voting, paper ballots, signature verification and voter ID. These are simple common sense election integrity measures that would help achieve election integrity in our USA. 

14. Drain the Swamp of Washington Corruption:

President Trump will obliterate the Deep State. We must have term limits for members of Congress, there should be lifetime ban of lobbying by members of Congress, and insider information stock trading by members of Congress must be banned. 

15. Better Healthcare at Lower Cost:

President Trump increased competition in the healthcare market. He also ensured pharmaceutical companies offer the same discount to the United States as they do to other foreign countries.


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